BGC Dovercourt Club has established a strategic alliance with Vito Maida, President, Patient Capital Management Inc. to annually provide a $1,000 Math or Science scholarship over the next 10 years. The scholarship is named in honour of the late Armando “Army” Aiello, who like Vito, was a BGC Dovercourt Club member. Vito, as Army did, feels a sense of commitment for the support and sense of friendship staff and volunteers provided while he attended the Club.
The Scholarship
Annually, one scholarship will be granted to a successful BGC Dovercourt Club staff or volunteer. This boy or girl must be starting or planning to start post-secondary studies in a math or science program within 12 months of the new academic year. Deadline to submit applications is Wednesday, August 30th, 2023.
1. $1,000 awarded toward year 1
2. The scholarship is to specifically support tuition and/or other post-secondary costs
3. Post secondary is recognized to mean a learning institution that is fully registered as such including University, College, Vocational School, and any other institution beyond high school that provides a degree or certificate
4. The scholarship will be held in Trust by the Club in a legal banking entity until the recipient demonstrates acceptance to a recognized post-secondary institution
Criteria and Qualifications
The student (nominee) must:
- Complete the personal statement/contact information page
- Attach one letter of reference from a non-family member
- Be enrolled in Grade 11 or 12
- Looking or has been accepted into a Math or Science program at a post-secondary institution
*Senior staff and management are encouraged to inform and nominate staff and volunteer for this scholarship
Please submit your finished application in person or via email to Benita@dovercourtkids.com