1957- Dovercourt Boys Club opened their doors for the first time as an essential community resource, providing positive alternatives to anti-social activities, crime and substance abuse for neighborhood children and youth, ages 7 to 17 years.
1967– Dovercourt Boys Club was renamed to Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club , in an effort to be inclusive of Girls in the community.
1974 - BGC officially added “Girls” in their name.
1995 – Club memberships became available to children ages 5-6, which increased the total number of members, enrolled each year.
1995- To further programming gains, a Leadership Program was created for older Club members, who demonstrated long term commitment to participation in programming. This afforded them the opportunity to give back to their community and gain work experience.
1998 - Junction Triangle Clubhouse: The first name was Perth Randolph Resource Centre, located at 21 Randolph Ave.
2007 - 50th anniversary.
2008– The first Family program was implemented at Dovercourt Clubhouse which allowed families to enjoy pool activities together.
2009– Funding was received from the Community Service Partnerships Grant with City of Toronto, to develop sustainable, age specific programming, to meet the needs and interests of children ages 6-9. The program was named Kick-start!
2009– A second satellite location was opened, and named Junction Triangle Boys and Girls Club , which increased the reach of programming for the community which was rapidly growing, increasing the total number of members enrolled each year.
2010 – A Free Breakfast Club was implemented during Saturday programming and made available to all members, to combat poverty and encourage involvement in programming.
2010 - We moved to Perth Avenue Co-op for one year.
2011 - We moved to our present location at 1379 Bloor street west – The Junction Triangle Clubhouse
2011– A second floor addition was added to the Dovercourt Boys and Girls Clubhouse adding new facility space available for programming such as the Teen Lounge, Greenhouse, Kitchen, Theater and Computer Lab.
2012– Family Programming grew again, with the inclusion of a Yoga Class on a weekly basis.
2013 – Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club and Junction Triangle Locations partnered with local Colleges and Universities to implement an internship program at our sites, to support their Recreation, Social Work and Child Study Academic Programs.
2013 – Outreach initiatives became purposeful and deliberate. Both Club locations utilize community resources and partnerships to target at risk youth and bring them into the safe and positive environments.
2013– The Club opened membership enrollment to children age 4. The Clubs now reached members ages 4-17!
2014– SMILE program was included to the Club portfolio, and affords youth with exceptionalities support in their pursuit of academics, socialization and staying active.
2015– Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club was awarded a Distinction in Commitment to Student Learning for their continued work with student interns from Humber College.
2017– Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club celebrates its 65th anniversary.
2019- In partnership with Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão, Ubisoft Games, and Toronto Community Housing, Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club launch new After School Program: Pelham Parks program.
2021- Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club has become BGC Dovercourt Club. Learn more here.