Armando “Army” Aiello Scholarship - BGC Dovercourt Club

Armando “Army” Aiello Scholarship

December 12, 2023 admin@bgc Comments Off

The Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club has established a strategic alliance with Vito Maida, President, Patient Capital Management Inc. to annually provide a $1,000 Math or Science scholarship over the next 10 years. The scholarship is named in honour of the late Armando “Army” Aiello, who like Vito, was a Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club member. Vito, as Army did, feels a sense of commitment for the support and sense of friendship staff and volunteers provided while he attended the Club. Armando believed education was the cornerstone of democracy.

 This scholarship is a testament to the person he was – always caring. Armando would he happy to know that as part of his legacy that started in 2016 and for 10 years, children will be empowered by a scholarship named in his honour.

The Scholarship

Annually, one scholarship will be granted to a successful Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club member, staff, or volunteer. This boy or girl must be starting or planning to start post-secondary studies in a math or science program within 12 months of the new academic year.

  1. $1,000 awarded toward year 1
  2. The selected candidate will be notified no later than September 4, 2020.
  3. The scholarship is to specifically support tuition and/or other post-secondary costs
  4. Post secondary is recognized to mean a learning institution that is fully registered as such including UniversityCollege, Vocational School, and any other institution beyond high school that provides a degree or certificate
  5. The scholarship will be held in Trust by the Club in a legal banking entity until the recipient demonstrates acceptance to a recognized post-secondary institution

Criteria and Qualifications

The student (nominee) must:

  • Be nominated by a senior staff member or management
  • Complete the personal statement/contact information page
  • Attach one letter of reference from a non-family member
  • Be enrolled in Grade 11 or 12
  • Looking or has been accepted into a Math or Science program at a post-secondary institution

Interested in applying? You can view the whole package here

Deadline to submit your application is August 28th. Please submit your completed form by email

Armando Army Aiello Scholarship